The 86th Annual Sigma Alpha Epsilon National Leadership School was held January 9-12th, 2025 at the SAE National office on the grounds of Northwestern University. Over 400 brothers throughout the realm were in attendance.
Representing the Florida Chi Emerging Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epslon at UTampa at the Leadership School are Eminent Archon Trevor Sandler ('25), and Eminent Deputy Archon Ryan Stimson ('25). The 3-day seminar covered chapter management, ways to improve chapter communications, event management, alumni relations, networking, fund raising ideas as well as health & safety updates.
"This event was one of the most transformative and inspiring moments in my college career," stated EA Trevor Sandler, "I learned so much about the rich history of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, the importance of both chapter leadership as well as responsible fraternity management." Brother Sandler continued, "We had the chance to listen to a number of outstanding key note speakers that talked about giving back, being a part of something greater than yourself, and the satisifaction of helping others."
"Leadership School has given me some thought provoking information that will help the Florida Chi chapter long into the future," said EDA Ryan Stimson, "I am looking forward to bringing back the knowledge and leadership skills needed for our chapter to thrive." Stimson stated, "As an example, the seminars showed me that improving our networking skills will enhance our connection with the entire UTampa community." Brother Stimson concluded, "I learned so many things in Leadership School about fraternity management, and understanding what leadership really means. I will never forget these lessons."
Special thank you to Brother Trevor Sandler for the photography.